KidsOnline is a system for kindergarten management as well as for parents and teachers to record and share children’s activities conveniently and securely. As system service provider, at KidsOnline JSC we take the safety, security and privacy of all information seriously. We have put in place the latest security systems and policies to ensure data security and respect the privacy of all our users.
We update our processes and systems regularly to comply with GDPR requirements. In Vietnam, KidsOnline complies with the Vietnam Law on Protection of Children 102/2016/QH13 enacted by the National Assembly of Vietnam on 05/04/2016, Law on Information and Communication Technology 67/2006/QH11 enacted on 29/06/2006 and Law on Internet Security 24/2018/QH14 enacted on 12/06/2018.
Access to information: Access to a child’s information through KidsOnline app is provided only to the child’s immediate family members registered to the kindergartens and KidsOnline. Only the primary guardians of a child (in most cases, the child’s father and mother) can register for other family members to have access to the child’s information on KidsOnline app. This access can also be revoked at any time at the discretion of the primary guardians.

Privacy of information: KidsOnline does not own any personal information about your child that is stored on our server, including any photos or videos. Personal information on KidsOnline system is not shared with any third party, except in special cases where either KidsOnline or the kindergarten will ask for express written consent by the child’s primary guardians before using any personal information of the child for marketing or other purposes.
Web security: All information on KidsOnline database is stored behind an encrypted password, both for the kindergartens and parents. Only those with authorization are able to access the KidsOnline system.
The system login website has a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. SSL is an industry standard for securing online transactions. Having SSL certificate ensures that all data passed between the KidsOnline server, and your browser remains private.

Server security: Information on KidsOnline is stored on cloud infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Service and Vietnam’s leading cloud service providers, ensuring the most secure cloud computing environments available in the country with highly secure data centers utilizing modern electronic surveillance, access control systems and 24×7 security guard protection.
For a start, KidsOnline’ user interface is friendly and self-explanatory. We also include an “User Guide” in the “Account Setting” section on the app and have a number of “How to use” videos on KidsOnline YouTube channel, to walk you through all functions and buttons on the app, making it easy to navigate yourself on KidsOnline system without need for external support.
Our customer support hotline (1900 0362) is available Monday to Friday (in Vietnam) to answer user questions, from forgotten passwords to more tricky questions. You can also reach us by email at: [email protected] , skype: KidsOnline.
KidsOnline makes every effort to deliver reliable and secure service. However, we do not guarantee that our software and applications are free from defects. Our software and applications are provided “as is,” and you use the software and applications at your own risk. We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. No oral or written communication from or information provided by us shall create a warranty. Under no circumstances shall KidsOnline be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use our software and applications, even if KidsOnline has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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